
Read about the idea behind and, make your choice on how to support me and the projects

The Idea

My motivation for this.

You might have heard such before as well:

"Yes, there is a problem, and I am unable to solve it. Yes, I would love to have that solved, YOU go ahead, Do it! Yes, please, I'd rather have you solve it."

You know, I am tired of this (my very own mindset). We just sit back, we enjoy our lives and leave the problems of others to some mysterious hero, who might show up to solve that for us. Actually we cheer these heroes in our phantasies or in movies. Problem is, these heroes with super powers just don't exist. We are all human after all. Some, an I have greatest respect for these people, dedicate their entire lives to solve problems for all human mankind.

But maybe, the problem just ceases to exist on its own. Yeah, maybe it doesn't but it gets less attention as we already came up with more and bigger problems.

Here's my view to this:
- When I recognize and accept that there is a problem.
- And I can only basically imagine a solution that might work - but still could fail.
- Nobody else is either trying or all others fail to solve the problem.
- And still I am confident that, my solution could solve it.

Then I have to pursue this solution, because nobody else will successfully solve it for me, neither for you nor the rest of the world, for that matter.

Yes, now I will dedicate my time to this. I will dedicate myself.

If that sounds crazy to you then I am fine with it.

You can either get your own a** up and try to come up with a solution, which you then have to pursue successfully, or you might try to support me, either in providing help and opening doors, or even by donating time, your connections on social networks, or, even money. (Hey, I might struggle to make a living in the attempt to dedicate all myself to the cause, after all.)

I will never regret doing this, because of this:

“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” 
― Theodore Roosevelt

So, what is your choice?

Wanna, at least, help me and others?